
2004 – Cioccolati

About This Project

These costumes were a dream…
…that I had during our honeymoon in New Zealand with my husband Tobias in 2004. He is addicted to chocolate in any form so we went to the Cadbury’s factory in Dunedin. After we came home the next night I dreamt of costumes that looked like chocolate. I had bought 500m of silk ribbon on eBay some time before, not knowing what to do with it. Then I suddenly knew, made the drawing of the strangely shaped skirts and saw an art nouveau broach that inspired me to the shape of the cocoa masks (made of paper mache) that completed the design.

Unfortunately the masks were hard to wear cause they were so big (sensitive to wind) and the weather was awful, very rainy and cold that year, we could hardly go out and walk in masks. Poor Anne and Johannis, who gave us company. I promised them they would have a great time wearing the costumes and it turned out to be a chore. But I learned a lot from it.

PS: In 2013 I made some alternative masks and headpieces that are easier to wear. Cause the costumes are still very popular and people love seeing and wearing them. I also added a bit more decoration and lace collars for the ladies.

2005 - Arlechina & Arlechino & Colombina & Dottore
2003 - Black Antonietta