Astro blue

1999 – Astro blue

About This Project

My first costume was quite simple. But to make it turned out to be more difficult than I thought. I made a design, a very simple big caftan-like dress with a big headpiece made of chickenwire and dark blue fabric. Easy to wear for a beginner. But when I dug out the sewing machine my mother once gave me, I had the same problem as always when I use a sewing machine: that stubborn machine did not stop producing knots, let the thread rip etc. Whatever I tried, the machine did not want to work… until today that is still the case. There seems to be a curse when it comes to the combination “Tanja + sewing machine”.
I am not superstitious but when or where ever I use a sewing machine it does not get far.

So I searched for another way to fix a costume. Stapler did not work, normal glue dried not fast enough. But finally I had an electric glue gun in my hand and THAT worked VERY WELL… until today. So good that all costumes ever after and even my wedding dress were entirely glued with hot plastic glue.

The Astro Blue costume was very simple and I had a thick down jacket and jeans under it (which I would never do again since it is a shame to ruin a good costume by wearing thick stuff under it. It totally kills the illusion for the spectator if one can see the jeans etc.). I was so afraid of the cold. But I got hooked by wearing the costume and having people appreciate my “effort”. But at least it was a start. So my advice for beginners: Just try, what ever comes to your mind. Be free and wild in your imagination and just work with whatever you find in material and ways to make the costume. Ignore other people saying: “You cannot do this that way.” Just do it!

2001 - Queen of Diamonds
Wedding dresses