Sensation of Music

2008 – Sensation of Music

About This Project

The “Sensation of music” costume I liked a lot. But many people said that even if it was very beautiful the colours were too subtle. From a distance it was not bright enough. A pity cause the fabric (found on a flea market of course) had embroided music composers on it like Beethoven, Bach, Mozart etc. I had to colour the embroideries and made a mistake there: I forgot to use waterproof pens. And, guess what, since it was raining so bad, on the days of the preselection and main show, the costume got spoiled and I had a hard time replacing the ruined parts.

I especially loved the headpiece of this costume. I had put a real violin body on it I found (yes…) and a metal Mozart ball (box for the sweets from Vienna). I even found on my beloved flea markets earrings in form of keys and and a ribbon made of wire with chords. Under the skirt I had put an MP3 player which played classical music (special Venetian composers) and the 80’s Rock ‘n’ roll soundtrack of Sofia Coppola’s movie “Marie Antoinette”. The C/clash was really nice 🙂

2008 - Casino
2008 - Fotografo del Carnevale